Selasa, 05 April 2011

Just for You – Richard Cocciante

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Just for You – Richard Cocciante- Lyrics

I can’t stay now and just wait now, my hands then go so impatient
many things I’ve got to do now for the first ray of the morning.
Though she play in peaceful chamber, sleep to me just doesn’t come
when she wake I have to tell her everything I have to say.
And the night so dark inside me makes me finaly understand
where the love that she has given me, she can light the sky forever.
It’s the way she give so freely, it’s the way she takes my hands,
I just ask the sun shine brightly got to see her smile again.
Then I sing a song I’ve writen and I’ll make the whole world listen

in the silence just for you, like no one has ever heard.
And I wake up all the lovers and I give them back for hours
and we’ll do the things we wanted the way that lovers do.
And we’ll run into the street and we’ll start to dance like crazy
cos she want only to feel joy in the love she gives and needs.
And we’ll paint the street and building, rainbow color everyone
those she wants, colors to sing, and we’ll paint full fill with flowers,
make the street alive with spring, make a place where lovers go, fly away like lovers do.
Then we’ll fly into the sky and we’ll look into the stars
and our stars return the hole world,
the love we have, we are, the love we share is sweet
the love we know is real, that love is not to dream but last, we know that alone
Because you love and my begin without dreaming all begin,
and the love that you have give return to us to win
cos your love for me is not begining and the end your love
for me, forever, you love for me forever…

Listen to Songs:

1 komentar:

  1. Richard Cocciante & Vangelis


VIDEO: Brutal, Puluhan Sepeda Diterjang Mobil

VIVAnews - Acara sepeda santai yang digelar 'Critical Mass' di Porto Alegre, Brasil, pada penghujung Februari 2011 kemarin, berubah jadi tragedi.

Puluhan pesepeda bergelimpangan di jalan akibat ulah pengendara mobil, Ricardo Jose Neis.

Saat itu sekitar 130 pesepeda tengah melintas di jalan raya. Mereka baru saja memulai aktivitas ramah lingkungan sesuai misi Critical Mass.

Saat tengah asyik bersepeda, tiba-tiba saja Neis yang mengendarai mobil VW-nya menerjang mereka dari belakang dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Puluhan pesepeda bergelimpangan di jalan akibat ulah pengendara mobil, Ricardo Jose Neis.

Sekitar 20 pesepeda jadi korban. Mereka terpental, bergelimpangan di jalan. Bahkan tidak sedikit di antara mereka tersangkut di kap mobil Neis berikut sepedanya. Para korban mengalami luka ringan maupun berat. Jerit tangis dan teriakan langsung membahana di jalan. Neis pun diamankan polisi.

Sekadar diketahui Critical Mass adalah sebuah acara bersepeda yang biasanya digelar pada hari Jumat terakhir setiap bulan, di lebih dari 300 kota di seluruh dunia.

Saksikan video brutal Neis di sini.

sumber : • VIVAnews

Video Tragedi Sepeda di Brazil